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Automatically follow-up with every lead across centres


Make sure opportunities don’t fall through the cracks and automate normally manual tasks, such as email and text communications, and design hands-free marketing campaigns for every stage in the prospective family’s enrolment journey. 

Nurture families using campaigns.

Build multi-step, response-based email and text campaigns to act on parent behavior – whether it’s a drip campaign or nurture series. 

Drip campaigns_graphic-04-1

Engage parents with personalised messages.

Spend less writing emails and texts. Automatically send stored email and text templates with your childcare branding elements. Use dynamic content to engage families with personalised email and text communications. 

Report on marketing performance.

Report on campaign success - opens, clicks, bounces, and more to refine your campaigns. 

Marketing Source Reports

Connect with families quicker.

We can connect with families quicker and in a more timely, professional manner. The speed of response has made a

huge impact on our conversion rates. Our average conversion rate from inquiry to waitlisted or registered is 39.6%,

almost 3x higher than the global average.


- Cara Johnson-Bader, VP of Marketing & Parent Experiences at New Horizons Academy

The Benefits of Using Marketing Automation

Save staff time.

Save time by automating the most tedious part of the enrolment process. Use marketing automation to design beautiful marketing campaigns – with less work.

Grow at scale.

Build multi-step,
response-based email and text
campaigns to act on parent
behaviour as it happens.

Engage parents with personalised messages.

Use dynamic content to engage
families with personalised email
and text communications.

Boost enrolment and waitlists

Send email and/or text drip
campaigns to parents - improving
their conversion from lead to
enrolled or waitlisted.